Eagle Clan
The Longest Journey

Eagle Clan 3: The Longest Journey
By L. Shannon
Length: novel
Released: TBA
Cover Artist:



(*WARNING*  sweet excerpt. Consider yourself warned.)

"Here Cradh, try this new foul poison I have mixed for you."

Cradh, at seven years old glared with considerable force as he took the drink and swallowed it down with only the slightest flinch at the horrible taste. "I think you and Athair are trying to find the worst tastes in the land."

"Maybe we are. Will you still drink them?"

"Yes." Cradh stood and went to the stream. His stooped form that of an old man even as it was the slight size of the boy. He moved with slow and cautious steps, bending low to cup water to rinse his mouth.

Adhar went back to the items she had brought with her and carefully picked up the Staff of Dreams, called Aisling, that had belonged to the Eldest Oracle. The Aisling held its own power and she often used it to compare Cradh’s reactions to the various potions. The magic with the staff usually reacted strongly against the silver lodged in his heart. She hated this part of their trials.

Cradh rejoined her at the sitting stone. "I’m ready then." He held out his hands for the staff.

She placed Aisling across his flat palms. Even before he had a firm grip, he gasped from the painful contact. When she would have taken Aisling back, he shook his head slightly. Through gritted teeth he said, "I want to try longer." His knuckles whitened and he frowned in concentration.

With a moan, he dropped the staff and fell to the ground panting for breath. His skin had paled to nearly translucent and his lips turned to terrible blue.

Biting her lip, Adhar moved Aisling further away and helped Cradh to sit up. Always this was the pain he faced. He was surely the bravest soul she ever met. He dealt with his handicap with dignity and strength and without complaint.